Winter day with a river view

VIP Days and Retreats

Gift yourself and retreat
Saturday, January 20, 2024
1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
River Raven Sanctuary, Soldotna, Alaska

 Discover the details and RSVP link for this retreat

Permission to pause

Do you seek time to pause, reflect, focus, and discover what really matters amidst the many demands of daily living?


Are you feeling bored, stuck, fragmented, or at a crossroads? What holds you back? Do you desire more sweetness in life?

You are not alone.

Do you hear the whisper of a longing for inner spaciousness, redirection, or to learn to be present to the now of your life and cocreate your future?

It’s time!

Trust your instinct. Be curious, and gift yourself permission to become the best you yet with a day, weekend, or week adventure in Alaska at River Raven Sanctuary lodge!

Retreat with a VIP day, weekend or week in Alaska, or a virtual daily life retreat with in-person or online small group options.

Alaska retreats offer you whatever you most need—time to heal and integrate, contemplate and appreciate, connect or reconnect with the essence of who you are, and discern you next best action steps for growth and transformation.

The 2024 events calendar will arrive soon!

Tip: begin with a self-guided daily life retreat, or coaching and soul care.

Dream. Dare. Did it.

“Retreats offer you dedicated time to reflect, learn, be still, discern, rest, reset, and determine your next best step amidst the many demands of daily life.”

—Pegge Erkeneff

Pegge offers retreats you can participate in on your own or with a group or organization.

Would your group, team, or organization like a custom designed retreat for your goals, mission, and time frame? Reach out! A retreat can be a day, evening, weekend, online, or amidst everyday life.

Pegge’s retreat leadership and facilitation experience spans 30+ years, and includes over 100 weekend retreats, everyday life working person retreats ranging from ten days to six weeks, and numerous days and evenings of reflection with five to several hundred participants, in age ranges from teens to elders.