God Any Time, Any Place: The Many Ways College Students Pray

God Any Time, Any Place is an inspiring book for people of all ages. A compilation of 85 prayer practices from young adults all over the United States, you will be inspired, challenged, and nurtured as you reflect upon your own prayer practices and discover insights from others. Reflection questions for the reader follow each the eight chapters and are designed to open new ways of thinking about prayer. 

Pegge Bernecker, Published by Ave Maria Press, 2005, USD$9.95

 5-star review on www.amazon.com “…students from Catholic colleges to sent her the “little things” they do that nurture their individual, distinctive relationships with God. She aptly describes the offerings as “short paragraphs of grace,” that touched her soul. The book is divided into eight sections, including time made holy, gratitude, and engaging bodily presence, each with a brief introduction and reflection questions.”


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