2022 Winter Solstice Prayer

Strands Beach, Southern California, Winter Solstice 2022

May your spirit soar on

this longest night when our friend Darkness


revealing hidden power to nest

our tenderness, our joy, our longing, and belonging.

May together we weave strands of mystery

into a cloth of many colors

shimmering by candlelight, moonlight, flame, desire.

May the long hours whisper their way

into your dreams, trailing magic

and angel dust of possibility

as curiosity illumines your brief hibernation.

And when the cycle of dawn awakens

once again, light tick-tocks toward

spring and summer, may you linger

a little longer in this bardo time,

dazed and dazzled by glimmers of grace,

always present, though at times hidden

even when we seek, and the reveal is in cosmic timing.

May you understand your true

homecoming is a slow bake of

arrivals and departures, cooling

and heat, dark and light, always a both-and.

Pause now beloved,

drink into the suction cup

of oxygen. Allow laughter footings

in your soul, hope to glimmer

in despair, and the ____________

you long for to arrive,

unannounced, sparkling

with relief and welcome.

Open the present of darkness,

of light, of mystery, of


Be brave, believe.

--Pegge, 12.21.22

Strands Beach, late afternoon close to sunset

Today on Winter Solstice, I spy sparkles on the Pacific Ocean surface, sun glimmering as waves expend their journey along the storyline of shore. If I were home in -15F degree Alaska, frosty tree branch sparkles would dazzle in low sunlight while river ice dams freeze along the shore will fracture and jut, birds will dart or make a slow flight then rest in the light. I’d nestle near the fireplace, twinkle lights and candles illumining the early dusk after sun sets near 4:00. Finding myself in California this year, I’d instead love a beach fire tonight, except I’m carless and on foot in this SoCal landscape, without dry timber and a fire ring to celebrate the light and dark. I’ll keep my toes buried in cold sand on this coast I know like the back of my hand where I’m writing, and watch the sun tuck beyond the horizon gaze, offer this prayer for my friends, penned in the golden lingering light, on this longest night in the northern hemisphere.

So much grace, love, and starlight to you and yours, Pegge


Memories. Seeking and finding after a child dies


What holds you back?