
Day 7 of 21 Disrupt the Gap

Hawaiian Flower

Navigating intensity, calm is gift within myself, and for others. Tonight, more words feel disruptive, and my spirit desires dynamic calm presence.

So while Pandora plays, I visually wander through an afternoon of images from Kalani’s garden on the east side of Molokai Island.

I am inspired to return to a centering meditation practice, and giggle recalling greeting this bloom, a calm, powerful eye-level presence in the garden path.

I invite you to join me and Psalm 46:10 for a calm pause. Begin with a deep breath or three, then read each word, pausing at the end of every line for a few seconds.

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know.
Be still.

Peace to you, and may your beingness nurture calm in our world.

ps: I googled that I spelled Kalani correctly, and giggled again discovering Kalani means “the Heavens.” and Kalani’s flowers—and smoothies—are a special place on the planet where to be calm comes easily.




Twenty-one days to disrupt the gap